Flower Stamps
Mar 09, 2017
This is a fun activity for all ages. Not only can you make some cool pieces of art, you can also make cool cards and tags with this method!
1. Draw your design into your foam. Press down hard with a ball point pen so that you carve the design into the foam.
2. Cut out your shape . Don't cut directly on the line that you drew. Leave a little border of white around your subject .
3. And then press onto the ink pad and onto your paper!!
Some ways to use this:
1) Get a brown craft paper gift bags and decorate with your own stamps.
2) Make your own gift wrapping with repeated pattern. Get a roll of white craft paper and stamp away!
3) Make personalized hand made birthday cards
4) Create a symbol and stamp it on all of your art pieces. It can be like your own "secret signature".
I'm sure you can think of many more!!!
Supplies you'll need:
Craft Foam:
Ink Pad:
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